Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New bio available - Elizabeth

Wrote up the background for Elizabeth Pierce and now I'm wishing I had time to write her story in its entirety. I kinda liked it. lol As for There's a Fine Line, I've finalized chapter five, I believe, so I'm still on track to start posting sometime in June unless I run into some major writer's block. I'm not sure there's a desire for previews or teasers, so let me know if that's something anyone would want to see.

Also, Blake, Alicia, and Malphas will be getting their own spot in the bio pages but not until the story is posted. Their backgrounds might give too much away at the moment and I don't want to post spoilers before the first chapter goes live.

As for now, enjoy learning more about the other people in the story!


  1. Then write her story. I've done so with more than one character of mine. It also gives us a chance to expand the universe that is that story. :)

    1. It's sooo tempting but if I get off track, I may never get back on. Though I have sketched out a loose outline :)
