Monday, March 11, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo

Yup, I've totally lost my ever-loving mind. I've rejoined the insanity that is NaNoWriMo and it's not even November! Twice a year, the staff at NaNo do a "camp" - a looser, more relaxed version of NaNoWriMo where you can choose your own word count goal. It's also a bit more relaxed when it comes to "rebelling" or working on something you've already started. This is what I'll be doing.

I'm working on The Fox Hunt, the first in the Children of Jarilo series, and using the camp format to  keep me motivated, get me closer to a decent word count, and encourage me to finish. Sometime the thrill of writing the story gets lost in real life stuff, or just goofing off on the computer, so Camp will (hopefully) keep me honest! lol

If you want a look at the synopsis and a brief excerpt of The Fox Hunt, click the participant badge and it'll take you to my page at the Camp site. Ignore the hasty cover... it was a 10 minute bodge job just to have one. If the names sound familiar, this is a modernization and revamping of Emeralds & Ice, a serial novella that had been submitted to both this site as well as Literotica. When I realized I wanted to include it in this new series, it was pulled (and pulled apart) and is finding new life as The Fox Hunt.

Now, sharpen your pencils and set up your blanket fort and join me at Camp!!

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